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Pulled Mistblowers 1 fan


Pulled Mistblowers 1 fan

Pulled mistblower from 1000 to 6000 l, to be used with a tractor from 40 h.p.

  • Machines with reinforced chassis made of steel, with the possibility of manufacturing it in stainless steel.
  • Stainless steel nozzle with double cone for better air channeling and achieving very good product penetration.
  • Adjustable fan from the outside with a key in just 30 seconds. In this way the air flow can be adjusted and, at the same time, the fuel consumption of the tractor can be adjusted.
  • Own design of the multiplier. With this multiplier we achieve very low power absorption.
  • Wheel axle with or without braking equipment (depending on model).
  • web.atomizers-1V-list-6
  • Rotary draft and homokinetic transmission as standard (depending on model).
  • Annovi-Reverberi membrane pump (120,150,170 liters depending on model). On request other types of pump (Pistons) can be mounted.
Mistblowers 1 fan models can be manufactured with three types of tank:
  • Cuba polyethylene: (the access model to this range)
  • Polyester fiber tank JUNIOR model: (special model super reduced in height) especially 2000 l
  • Cylindrical polyester fiber tank: (high capacity models up to 6000 l) with the advantages that this design provides, especially in product mix quality, machine stability due the internal breakwater and reduced machine width dimensions. This model has been developed together with the Polytechnic University of Huesca.
Mistblowers 1 fan models can have these types of towers:
  • Standard tree-fruit tower
  • Standard almond-tree and olive-tree tower
  • Palmettes tower
  • Tower with double fan special palmettes (upper and lower)
  • Standard tree-fruit tower with 1000mm fan
1090POLZ-1V POLYETHYLENE 1000 820 3250x1350 710
1590POLZ-1V POLYETHYLENE 1500 900 4200x1450 760
2090JZ-1V JUNIOR 2000 900 4800x1700 860
2090CZ-1V CYLINDRICAL 2000 900 4750x1950 1350
3090Z-1V CYLINDRICAL 3000 900/1000 4375x2150 1655
4090Z-1V CYLINDRICAL 4000 900/1000 4960x2150 1890
5090Z-1V CYLINDRICAL 5000 900/1000 5390x2150 2150
6090Z-1V CYLINDRICAL 6000 900/1000 5890x2150 2520
2090POLZ-1V POLYETHYLENE 2000 900 4830x1720 950
3090POLZ-1V POLYETHYLENE 3000 900/1000 5220x1950 1280

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